A Guide to Avoiding Common Conning Tactics

In recent times, an alarming trend has emerged, targeting university students who find themselves falling prey to various deceptive tactics conmen use resulting in the loss of consciousness, cash, valuables, phones, and even house property. Understanding the methods employed by con artists is crucial for students to safeguard themselves from potential harm.

University campuses, vibrant hubs of learning and social interaction, unfortunately, have become targets for con artists preying on unsuspecting students. These con persons employ various deceptive tactics, often leading to students losing consciousness, cash, valuables, phones, or even house property.

Whistling through the streets of Mount Kenya University and it’s environs, is an experience, a lifestyle, a culture and way of life that we all have an active role as key players in ensuring safety.  Armed with information you can make choices that reflect preparedness and action regarding the menace of Conning.

If you know anyone affected, kindly recommend and or guide them to MKU Counseling Department for Counseling.

 It is crucial for students to be aware of these methods and take proactive measures to protect themselves.

  1. Deceptive Inquiries:

Con artists may approach you under the guise of asking for directions or the time. To avoid falling victim, maintain a cautious distance, and provide information without divulging personal details. Trust your instincts – if something feels off, disengage.

  • Handshakes with a Twist:

Strangers may initiate contact through handshakes, during which they may deploy drugs causing confusion or loss of consciousness. Students should be wary of unsolicited physical contact. Politely decline handshakes from strangers and be cautious of unexpected physical interactions.

  • Accidental Knocking and Apologies:

Con persons might intentionally bump into students, apologizing profusely. This distraction tactic can be a setup for theft or worse. Stay vigilant in crowded areas, protect your belongings, and be wary of overly apologetic strangers.

How Can You Detect, Prevent & Respond?

  1. Stay Alert and Trust Your Instincts:

Remain aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts. If a situation feels suspicious, remove yourself from it.

  • Avoid Isolated Areas:

Walk in well-lit and populated areas, especially at night. Avoid shortcuts through dark alleys or secluded spots.

  • Be Skeptical of Strangers:

Exercise caution when approached by strangers. Politely decline offers for help or information if you feel uncomfortable.

  • Guard Your Belongings:

Keep your belongings secure and be mindful of your surroundings. Backpacks, purses, and electronic devices are common targets for theft.

  • Emergency Contacts:

Have emergency contacts readily available. If you feel threatened or witness suspicious activity, don’t hesitate to call for help.

  • Do not carry Cash, valuables, avoid using your gadgets openly
  • Contact and seek help at The MKU security office at the main Gate and have EMERGENCY numbers.

By being informed and adopting preventive measures, university students can minimize the risk of falling victim to these conning tactics. Personal safety should always be a top priority in the pursuit of education and personal growth.

Stay Alert, Stay Safe!

Welcome to Mount Kenya University

Article by: Heri Manyara
