Varsity set to host annual Blood Drive

Mount Kenya University Health Students Association (MKUHSA) & Mount Kenya University Medical Laboratory Students Association (MKUMLSA) are excited to announce the annual blood drive from June 11th -14th from  9:00AM to 5:00PM, at the MKU CT grounds. Collaborating with the Red Cross MKU Chapter and Kenya Tissue and Transplant Authority, this event aims to save lives through student contributions.

This notice is serves to allow you to prepare and tag along your colleagues to save lives via blood donation.

Did you know a single donation can save up to three lives? Here are more fun facts about blood

  • Your body replaces the donated blood within 24 hours.
  • Regular donors live longer, healthier lives.
  • You can donate blood every 56 days.
  • Type O-negative is the universal blood type.
  • Blood donation burns about 650 calories per donation.
  • Every two seconds, someone needs blood.
  • Only 10% of eligible donors actually donate.
  • One pint of blood can save up to three lives.

You are all encouraged to join this noble cause and make a difference in your community as enjoy refreshments provided on-site.

Become a hero and heroine today, donate blood and save lives

Compiled by Heri Manyara