International Youth Day 2024: Embracing the Role of Youth in Shaping a Sustainable Future

Every year on August 12, the world comes together to celebrate International Youth Day, a day dedicated to recognizing and amplifying the voices, actions, and initiatives of young people across the globe. Since its establishment by the United Nations in 1999, this day has served as a platform to highlight the vital role that youth play in addressing global challenges and driving social, economic, and political change.

“Young people are powerful agents of change, and their leadership is essential in our efforts to build a sustainable future. This International Youth Day, we celebrate their commitment to developing the green skills necessary to tackle the climate crisis and create a more resilient world for all.”

[ UN Secretary-General António Guterres ]

Green Skills for Youth Towards a Sustainable World

This year’s theme, “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World,” is a clarion call for young people to lead the charge in the transition to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. As the world grapples with the effects of climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation, the development of green skills has become essential. These skills—ranging from renewable energy technologies to sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation—equip young people to contribute to and benefit from the green economy.

It’s therefore important that as students through the resources availed to you to lead the charge and change for tomorrow.

 International Youth Day

International Youth Day is more than just a celebration; it is a reminder of the challenges faced by young people and the immense potential they hold to create positive change. With nearly 1.2 billion youth aged 15 to 24 years, young people represent a significant portion of the global population. However, barriers such as education, unemployment, and civic participation, which can hinder their ability to contribute fully to society. This day provides a platform to address these issues and advocate for policies and initiatives that support youth development.

 The Role of Youth in Tackling Today’s Challenges

In today’s rapidly changing world, youth are at the forefront of tackling some of the most pressing challenges. From leading climate action movements to innovating in the tech industry, young people are driving change in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades ago.

At Mount Kenya University fraternity, the home of unlocking infinite possibilities, we believe youth are the future and the present in making the world a better place.

Below are ways you can take part in delivering a better world through the various Clubs and Associations in Mount Kenya University such as;  MKU Environmental Club, Rotaract, Mount Kenya University Health Students Association (MKUHSA) to mention but a few.

1. Climate Action

Young activists like Greta Thunberg have brought global attention to the urgency of climate action. Youth-led movements are pushing for stronger environmental policies, holding governments accountable, and advocating for sustainable practices at the grassroots level.

2. Innovation and Technology

The digital age has empowered young people to become creators and innovators. Startups founded by young entrepreneurs are developing solutions to complex problems, from healthcare to education, using technology as a tool for social good change

3. Social Justice and Equality

Youth are leading the charge in advocating for social justice and equality. From fighting for racial equality to championing LGBTQ+ rights, young people are challenging societal norms and pushing for more inclusive and just societies.

4. Mental Health Advocacy

Mental health remains a critical issue among youth. Young people are increasingly breaking the stigma around mental health, using platforms like social media to share their experiences, raise awareness, and advocate for better mental health services.

5. Youth Empowerment

Empowering youth to take on leadership roles in their communities and beyond is critical. This can be achieved through mentorship programs, leadership training, and platforms that amplify youth voices and initiatives.

As we celebrate International Youth Day 2024, it is crucial to recognize that the future belongs to the youth, and their involvement in creating a sustainable future is more important than ever, today. Development of green skills will aid in this process. By doing so, we not only equip them to navigate the challenges of the 21st century but also enable them to create new opportunities for themselves and future generations.

This day is a reminder of the power and potential of young people to shape a better future. As we celebrate this day, we commit to supporting and empowering youth to tackle today’s challenges, seize opportunities, and build a sustainable world for generations to come. The future is green, and it is in the hands of the youth to make it a reality.

Article by: Heri Manyara