In the heart of Mount Kenya University Parklands Law Campus, a beacon of leadership shines brightly – Kipchirchir Gad , conceived through the just concluded MKUSA Elections where he emerged winner in the docket of Secretary General. Born and raised in Kitale Town, nestled within the picturesque Rift Valley Region of Kenya, Kipchirchir’s journey towards becoming a catalyst for change began long before his tenure as Secretary General of MKU Parklands Law Campus.

As the second child in a family of four, Kipchirchir’s early years were shaped by values of responsibility and service. After completing his primary education at Hilltop Preparatory School, he continued his academic pursuits at St. Anthony’s Boys’ High School in Kitale, where his innate leadership skills earned him the role of academic secretary.
Now, as a second-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Laws degree at Mount Kenya University Parklands Law Campus, Kipchirchir’s commitment to fostering inclusivity and participation within the student body is unwavering. His vision for his term as Secretary General is clear: to establish the “Students’ Baraza,” a dedicated platform where students can voice their concerns, offer suggestions, and hold MKU officials accountable. Moreover, Kipchirchir seeks to enhance peer mentorship by extending moot court firms to encompass legal writing, debate, and beyond. Through meticulously designed programs, workshops, and one-on-one mentoring, he aims to nurture the skills and acumen needed to excel in the legal field, while also fostering a vibrant link between students and the Alumni Association.
Beyond his academic and leadership endeavors, Kipchirchir finds solace and joy in his hobbies of dancing, swimming, and reading. His active involvement in various clubs and associations at MKU Parklands Law Campus, including the Music and Drama Club, Presidents’ Award club, and Groove and Vibe club, highlights his dedication to fostering a vibrant campus community.
Outside the university grounds, Kipchirchir holds several leadership positions, including serving as the Representative of the Rift Valley Comrades Caucus under the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), Chairperson of the Communication Committee for UDA Comrades Caucus, and Ambassadors Leader at Kitale Central SDA.
As a fervent supporter of co-curricular activities, he can often be found cheering on the school’s sports teams, particularly in football, rugby, and basketball matches. In his own words, he offers sage advice to his fellow students and aspiring leaders: “There is no one magic move or secret that creates victory, but lots of little items that when added together can make you victorious.”
Currently engrossed in Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Kipchirchir finds inspiration in the author’s words, reminding himself and others that success comes from taking action and persevering in the face of challenges.
As a passionate advocate for youth empowerment, the newly elected Secretary General leaves a powerful message for his fellow students and aspiring leaders
“In the pursuit of excellence and the relentless drive for personal and professional growth, I believe young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace.”
[ Mr. Kipchirchir, Secretary General MKUSA 2024/2025 Parklands Law Campus ]
With his unwavering dedication to service, leadership, and empowerment, Kipchirchir Gad stands as a testament to the power of youth in shaping a brighter future for generations to come.
Article By: Heri Manyara