Tell us about yourself
My name is Mumina Hussein Adan I joined Mount Kenya university in 2018 as a Diploma student and later advanced to pursue a degree. I am a 3rd year pursuing Business Management specializing in Human resource management. Back in my hometown, I am proud to serve Kayole Matopeni Youth Association as the Chairperson.
Which course are you pursuing
Pursuing Bachelor’s in Business Management specializing in Human Resource Managemen, currently in my 3rd year.
Who do you look up to?
My elder sister, she inspired me to vie for this seat. She has immense passion to help people and always looking out for comrades in her institution where she serves as the Minister of Gender and Welfare in Pwani University.

What motivates you to vie and represent students?
The urge to serve students, air their grievances and, with support from the management provide solutions for the betterment of those who elected me- comrades.
What are some of the roles that come with your office?
I serve as the deputy to the Chairman of the Governing Council, also be a custodian of MKUSA Constitution.among other with effect of University Act of that culminated the delegate system..
How do you juggle academic and leadership?
By managing my time well and giving time to what matters at the right time, in the right place with the right people.
What do you intend to achieve by the end of the term?
With the help from students and University management, I purpose to fulfill what I captured in my manifesto. Address food quality & health services and be available to all students at their hour of need. I also purpose to address the girl and boy child emerging issues.
In your opinion do students pay enough attention to clubs and association? What can be done to increase their participation?
No. A lot of students aren’t aware that there are extra circular activities in the University thus we need to create awareness.
Away from leadership duties and academia what do you do?
Community outreach- visits to Children homes and I am also in a book club where we grow intellectually and socially.
What would you tell students who have an interest in students leadership?
Believe in yourself and trust the process. Pursue what you believe in (and want) religiously. Furthermore, trust your gut feeling.
Being an election year what is the role of youth in election and what are your plans on actively engaging students in promoting peace and unity through your office?
I implore students to register as voters so that they can exercise their right and choose the leader that they want . During this period, I seek to conduct mentorship programs to educate the students on the importance of peace and unity.
What’s your favorite dish?
Pilau served with Fries and lamp chops
A message to the students?
Always believe in yourself and never give up in life because any situation it’s not permanent. Nothing comes easy in life as thus one should always work for they want in life.