- Kindly tell us a little about yourself.
I am Nyakwara Zededee Motanya, MBChB Year 6, I am Disciplined- Determined and Dedicated. I love Denzel Washington, Steve Harvey and Barack Obama. The names speak for themselves, this people have done amazing in transforming the society positively, and they have had a tremendous impact to the society, each one of them have influenced in some ways who I am and want to become in the future. I don’t have specific hobbies; I love doing fun things. Back in primary school, I was a leader, same during my time in High School. In University, I started as the MKUMSA President, then transitioned to MSAKE, as the MSAKE SG/NMO President.

- What drove you to be a leader? MKUMSA’s president?
It is an interesting story, those who were there during that time can remember how dramatic it was. I never wanted to be the President to start with, I always know I can give my contribution when it comes to leadership, but again it is good to have purpose before getting into anything, because anything I always get myself into, I always give it my all. I saw an opportunity to change a few things around for the better and bring in new ideas that’ll add onto the work that had been done by my predecessor.
- How was your experience? Was it what you expected?
It wasn’t what I expected, actually it needed more than what I was prepared for, I had to come up with new ways on how to go about it, but at the end of it all, we did a good Job while at it, and we gave our contribution. I made some good networks around school at that time, and learnt a lot when it comes to leading Doctors.
- What some of the things you did in your time?
We organized the first ever Dinner for the medical students. We participated in awareness walks in Kiambu and Nairobi County. Organized MSAKE-SCORA outreaches and drives. Amended the constitution. Actively engaged MKUMSA members. Rolled out the MKUMSA mentorship program for the first time, making it official (Focused majorly on first years.) Built a good rapport with the school administration.
Initiated the process of MKU registration in the World Directory. Ensured MKUMSA was financially stable, cleared previously accumulated MSAKE debts. Reactivated MSAKE participation. We did much more with my then Executive Board, but the above mentioned are the key things we did.
- How did you organize, plan, prioritize tasks and manage time?
I was in year 3 (Which is not that bulk in my opinion) then as well as the world was struck by the COVID-19 pandemic hence schools were closed down, I had enough time at hand to execute my duties.
- What is key in developing a good team? What qualities do you look for?
Hardworking people, who are ambitious and follow protocol in executing their duties. People who can lead on their own as well, and have empathy.
- What are some of the challenges you experienced? How did you handle them?
Just a few weeks into office, two members of my Executive Board (E.B.) resigned, we had to cover their work regardless. Other members of my EB were laid back, they were not that much involved because of school work, myself and the then Secretary General, Mr. Dennis Wanjau, had to do all MKUMSA work by ourselves, constantly consulting with the team.
- What’s your advice for those aiming to participate demanding activities and take up responsibilities while in campus?
You need to learn and master the art of balance; it can be very demanding. You need to be tough, not all days you’ll get it right. Never take things to heart, a lot will be said in the course of the journey, not everything needs an explanation or a reaction, sometimes silence is the best answer. You won’t be that much appreciated, focus on delivering your promises to the people, as well as ensure you make the right connections while at it, you might need them in future. Above it all, it’s never that serious, have fun while doing it.
- What advice would you give your younger self?
Never be too hard on self, set your feet in the right path, things just unfold. Never be in a rush, enjoy every bit of the journey. Have fun.
- Tell me about times you represented our institution
MSAKE, I have represented MKUMSA heavily in MSAKE, both as MKUMSA Presidents as well as MSAKE President. I have attended and represented MKUMSA in many platforms, I don’t remember some even, but most memorable; MKU organized events (Several), and again MSAKE events as well as IFMSA events.
- Share an experience of how you successfully organized an event(s).
The first ever MKUMSA Dinner, we spent a total of 52k for that event, it was as well a good event, considering it was the first of its kind. It was a crazy experience; we were green but we managed well.
- What achievements are you proud of in and out of leadership?
MKU is in the World Directory. MKUMSA is well represented in MSAKE. While in MSAKE, ensured we had the first MSAKE Exchange Program students come to our school, as well as gave our students many exchange opportunities in Africa and other continents. I have made amazing lifelong networks that I always tap into, and look forward to tapping into in the future, courtesy of my leadership journey. I am in my final year now; I mean it was a long journey but here we are.
- What are your hopes for MKUMSA?
Growth, tremendous growth that even MSAKE will be coming for benchmarking.
Opportunities not just in Kenya and Africa, but more than that, representation in the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), work in progress.
- How important is mentorship? How do you find one?
Very important. Identify the people you admire and would want to be like, reach out to them, ask them to mentor you, people don’t bite.
- How important is research?
Research is important and amazing, but it’s not for everyone, it needs passion.
Follow MKUMSA @mkumsa14 on Twitter and @mkumsa.ke on Instagram
Article Compiled by: Jared Kipkoech Ronoh